Vysotzkiy Portrait by Victor Molev

Hidden Objects 21 March 2016 0 Comments

Vysotzkiy Portrait by Victor Molev

This painting by Russian artist Victor Molev shows a collection of papers (some whole and some torn) in the foreground and a sailing ship in the background.  The papers in the center of the image come together in such a way that they form a hidden portrait of Vladimir Vysotzkiy, a Russian singer-songwriter, poet, and […]

Mona Lisa (Water) by Victor Molev

Ambiguous,Hidden Objects 17 November 2014 0 Comments

Mona Lisa (Water) by Victor Molev

Russian born artist Victor Molev is a painter a graphic artist currently living in Ontario, Canada.  He previously worked as both an architect and a theater set painter.  In his painting below, titled Mona Lisa (Water), seven fish jumping out of the water come together to form an image that resembles a portrait of Mona […]