Lifelike Portrait from Photograph

Miscellaneous 3 August 2016 0 Comments

I am always amazed when a talented artist can create a portrait that looks absolutely lifelike.  This hyper-realistic portrait of a vibrant, young girl was created by an artist using a real photograph.  You would think that with a lot of practice, anyone could create paintings such as this one.  But, as we all know, that is simply not the case.  No matter how many times I tried to paint a portrait like the one below, it would never come close to being as realistic and detailed as this one.  I just simply was not born with the requisite skill to be able to do so.

Lifelike Portrait

For the sake of comparison, here is the actual photograph that the above oil painting was generated from.

Lifelike Portrait Photo

Looks pretty good, doesn’t it?

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