A CHEAP Ambigram
Here is a ambigram with a simple and clean design. It was featured in Ambigram Showcase section of the book Ambigrams Revealed by Nikita Prokhorov published by New Riders in 2013. It clearly spells out the word CHEAP and is designed in such a way that it could be rotated 180 degrees and still spell the word CHEAP. My favorite part about this particular ambigram is the way that the H and the E come together to form a well-defined lower case A when rotated.
Hey thanks for this amazing resource! I think that it
is supposed to be “they’re” instead of “there”.
A spammer posted the above comment with a link to some lame site they were trying to promote. There is no “they’re” or “there” or “their” in this post whatsoever. An Optical Illusion – 1 …. Spammers – 0…