Optical Illusion Lamp

Miscellaneous 23 November 2020 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Viable London is a design studio recognized for its creative diversity and ingenuity. The studio designs furniture, lighting, and products, as well as conceptual installations and exhibitions, and works with international manufacturing companies and private commissions. Their distinctive Titanic Lamp design is sure to bring a “sinking feeling” to your bedroom or living room.

Optical Illusion Lamp

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Duck Rabbit Illusion

Ambiguous 21 October 2020 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

I just searched through the archives, and I cannot believe that the famous duck rabbit optical illusion has not been featured in the past. You’ve probably already seen this image, but it is worth another look because of its powerful simplicity.

Do you see a duck or a rabbit? Can you find both? The animal that you first see when you view this illusion may be a reflection of your own personality.

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Optical Illusion Wallpaper

Trompe L'oeil 21 October 2020 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

People have used wallpaper to decorate their walls forever. One clever way to make a small space memorable (and perhaps shocking the first time someone enters the room) is to utilize a wallpaper mural. In the example below, a mural has been placed on the back wall of a bathroom. It makes it appear as if the bathroom leads out onto a dock over a body of water.

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Cowboy Optical Illusion

Ambiguous, Hidden Objects 21 October 2020 2 Comments

Here is a very interesting optical illusion. Look at the abstract black and white image below. Can you figure out what it is supposed to be?

What do you see? When I first looked at this, like many others, I was very confused. It appears to be some sort of insect drawn with a black marker. Some people have described it as looking like a lobster or some other crustacean (a shrimp, perhaps?).

Would you be surprised to see cowboy’s face in this image? Now that you know what to look for, have another look. Can you see it?

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Ponzo Illusion

Estimation 20 October 2020 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

This geometric optical illusion from the early 1900s is called the Ponzo illusion – named after Mario Ponzo, who was the first to demonstrate this effect.

The illusion uses linear perspective to confuse the brain into thinking that two lines are of different lengths. In the image below, the red line at the top of the figure appears to be longer than the red line at the bottom.

This phenomenon is still used by optical illusion artists today to trick the eye and deceive the mind.

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Cow Optical Illusion

Ambiguous 20 October 2020 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Take a glance at the black and white optical illusion below. What is the first thing that you see?

This cow optical illusion is an ambiguous image. Depending on how you look at it, you can see two different scenes in the same space. Do you see the cow feeding on grass while looking at you or do you see two animals feeding on grass while facing each other?

The official title of this work is Two Indian Buffaloes / A Cow Grazing. It was created by Arvind Narale who specializes in pen and ink drawings that explore multiple meaningful images hidden in one space.

(via Upside Downside Up)

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Quantum Physics Reality Is An Illusion

Miscellaneous 30 September 2020 Comments Off on Quantum Physics Reality Is An Illusion

What if we told you that the reality you’re so accustomed to isn’t real? What if everything you see in front of you is only an illusion? What if we told you that you’ve never actually touched anything in real life?

It’s mind-boggling, isn’t it?

In this article, we will discuss the current research that is challenging reality as we know it.

Discovery At The Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider or (LHC) is the world’s largest particle accelerator at the CERN laboratory.

The LHC reproduces conditions that occurred within a billionth of a second after the Big Bang by accelerating and colliding ions at speeds close to that of light. 

Due to this experiment, researchers have made remarkable discoveries:

  • The universe has no physical existence.
  • Reality is just an illusion.
  • Everything is only energy.

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How Is Reality Just Energy?

In schools, we’ve been taught that an atom is a group of protons and electrons circling around a tiny neutron. However, we’re afraid that’s not right.

The tiny particles making up the atom have no physical structure, weight, or size. In fact, they have no physical appearance at all. Instead, these are all just events taking place in time.

Moreover, electrons don’t have a single presence—they exist as both waves and particles simultaneously based on how they are observed.

This means that they are not in a single location at one time but exist in different moments.

Furthermore, according to superposition, several particles, except electrons, can exist in various places in one moment.

The Copenhagen Interpretation

The more we discover realities about the universe, the more we realize how little we truly know about it.

Many researchers are beginning to embrace Copenhagen Interpretation as the conclusion to understand reality.

The Copenhagen Interpretation is from the school of quantum mechanics and believes in the notion that reality does not exist without an observer who observes it.

Since we have stated that there is no physical reality of subatomic particles, the reality is only energy. Moreover, this energy is only conscious when a consciousness observes it.

This concept is indeed difficult to understand. However, it can be simply put that since particles exist in different locations at the same time, they respond to the observer by being at one place, which allows the observer to have something to observe.

More researchers also believe that reality, as we know it, exists because the human consciousness interacts with it and wills it to exist.

Physicists believe that ‘matter’ isn’t real—concrete or solid. It is, in fact, an illusion, and the mathematical apparatus devised in theories is real. As per information realists, matter comes from information processing and not the opposite. Even our souls and mind are derivative phenomena of abstract information processing.

Entanglement—Far Apart But Still Close

Another phenomenon in quantum physics is Entanglement.

Entanglement refers to the situation in which a pair of particles have interacted and affected each other’s spins.

Once these particles have tangled, they can’t be untangled. This means that no matter how far these particles may be, they will always affect each other.

In a famous experiment, scientists grew algae in a petri dish. They then separated the cells in halves and took one half to a different laboratory.

What they found was significant—a small amount of current applied to one half of the cell would always affect the other half in the other laboratory at the same time.

How Can This Be Possible?

All of this may be difficult to digest. However, it would need a little of open-mindedness and a shift in our current thinking to understand these unfolding concepts. We must no longer think of our universe as a physical space where all things exist.

Instead, we have to think of the universe as information.

We have to envision that our ‘physical’ universe is a product of an abstract universe in which all of us are connected.

The physical constructs of our universe contain information, which is transferred from the abstract realm to the physical state, as famously described by Plato.

Moreover, Erwin Schrodinger said,

“What we see as forces and material bodies are nothing but variations and shapes in space’s structure. Particles are just appearances.”

In a nutshell, everything is energy and nothing else.

How Do We Cope With This Information?

Indeed, with all of this information, there must be several questions forming in your mind. There are also various realizations that you need to understand.

  • Moreover, we have never touched any surface. The electrons from which you are made up repel the electrons of surfaces. This means that you have never interacted with any entity at the subatomic level.
  • Taking this thought forward: if we have never truly ‘touched’ anything, what do we feel when we ‘touch’ something?
  • How is there a physical presence of the world when the subatomic particles that form it do not actually exist in reality?
  • If reality isn’t real, what is real anyway?

A Final Word

In this article, we discussed the recent discussions in quantum physics about physical reality being an illusion.

What was the part that sparked the most interest for you? And after reading this article, what do you think about reality?

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