Anamorphosis,Forced Perspective,Impossible,Video
21 November 2013 0 Comments
This one minute commercial for the Honda CR-V features a number of different optical illusions. The tag line for the commercial is “An Impossible Made Possible”, and the result is a mind-bending and pretty entertaining advertisement. I typically do not like many commercials, but I must admit that this one was well done. Do you […]
30 September 2013 0 Comments
In the past, we have featured images made from thumb tacks, sea shells and even Post-it Notes. Sarah Rosado, a photographer and artist based in New York, creates her images using something that you might not expect – dirt. She calls this series of photographs “Dirty Little Secrets”.
8 July 2013 1 Comment
Erik Johansson has a vivid imagination. He also happens to be a very good photographer and a wizard at Adobe Photoshop. He creates photo-manipulations by taking multiple photographs and crafting them into creative and impossible scenes. His work below, created in 2010, shows a very strange intersection that almost has an uneasy feeling when looking […]
Hidden Objects
13 June 2013 0 Comments
Rusty Rust frequently creates deceptive paintings that have a hidden element to them. Here, he paints a young boy on a horse on what we can assume is a boring day on the farm. As his mind wanders, he slowly begins to daydream. As he does, an opening in the dilapidated barn begins to resemble […]
22 October 2012 0 Comments
The Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia contains of series of anamorphic letter illusions designed by German artist Axel Peemoeller. The letters can be read perfectly when viewed at certain angles, but appear distorted when viewed from all other angles. The example below shows the how the letters form the word “UP” as a motorist […]
Hidden Objects,Skull
7 September 2012 0 Comments
A man, a woman and their dog are out for a Sunday drive in their small car. Do you notice anything else present in this picture? Perhaps something that appears somewhat sinister? This image was found at Museo Ilusionario’s Flickr Page.
20 April 2012 0 Comments
Presented below are three sport utility vehicles parked in a row. Which one is the biggest? Would you believe that all three of these are identical and exactly the same size? Perhaps you’ll want to measure them with something to find out for yourself. Remember, new illusions are posted daily Monday through Friday. If you […]