The Incredible Candles

Video 1 June 2015 0 Comments

The Incredible Candles

Richard Wiseman makes a candle flame move from one candle to the other using no edits, CGI, or cuts.  The entire trick was done in a single take.  Fortunately, he doesn’t leave you guessing how it was done as he reveals the trick at the end of the video.  You didn’t think that he could […]

Fire Breathing Dog Optical Illusion

Forced Perspective 1 January 2015 0 Comments

Fire Breathing Dog Optical Illusion

Happy New Year everyone!  It is difficult to believe that it is already 2015.  I thought we would kick off the new year with something light and a little humorous.  The person who took this photograph likely did not know exactly what they had captured until they took a look at the picture later.  It […]