18 March 2013 0 Comments
Have you ever wondered what you could do with 2,646 post-it notes and a free weekend? You could consider making a giant portrait of Elvis on a wall in your office like Charles Mangin did. Mangin recalls that: My boss decided that we needed to do something fun and creative in one of our conference […]
26 September 2012 0 Comments
According to Ken Knowlton, he has been many things. He cites being a student, teacher, speaker, mathematician, physicist, electron microscopist, computer scientist, researcher, inventor, author, artist, and a critic. He also creates portrait mosaics of famous people using real seashells. As you would imagine, this is a tedious process that involves a lot of trial […]
2 May 2012 2 Comments
Scott Blake creates art using bar codes. This video demonstrates his interactive exhibit called Barcode Elvis at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! in San Francisco, California. Scott arranged barcodes from Elvis CDs in such a way that they resemble a composite portrait of the man himself. When one of the bar codes is scanned using […]